How does the Word of God enter our lives? How does it make its home in our minds, in our hearts? And how do we make it stick? Sometimes we try to force-feed ourselves with programs, disciplines and exercises. We feel the pressure to be spiritually attuned, spiritually robust, spiritually always advancing towards some higher ideal.
While these efforts display the best of intentions, they are not always aligned with God's ways. Deuteronomy 30.11-14 and Paul's reprise of this text in Romans 10.5-9 point to another dynamic of God's ways with us human beings. Even as we strain and struggle to obtain and retain God's Word, the truth of the matter is that this Word is already so near you it is within you — in your mouth and in your heart. It is gift. It is given in trust and always to be trusted.
So relax. Release. To believe and to hear the word of God are one and the same thing.
Listen for the Word. Give ear to the rushing waters of baptism that continue to surround you. Listen for the resurrection.
This is your life.
Presentation time: 4-1/2 minutes